Tag Archives: Novel

NaNovember: Day 5: Remember, Remember…

…the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and… plot? I am not actually the biggest fan of Bonfire Night, or fireworks in general. That might make me sound a little boring, but it is what it is. To be fair, it’s mostly the irresponsibility of people doing private displays, with no training in how to use them and in postage stamp size gardens. It also scares my animals witless sometimes. I have nothing against public displays which have been organised properly and are being done by professionals.

But, yet again, I am deviating from writing and NaNo, which is meant to be the point of this blog post – and every blog post that I write. It is quite amusing that Bonfire Night actually struck on a day where my plot took an unexpected deviation. I was intending to use ‘remember, remember’ as the post title regardless, but the coincidence amused me. Sometimes, when I write, I plot regimentally and follow it to the core. Sometimes, I write towards an end. Occasionally, I let the characters just lead me down the route they want me to take. These I will go into more depth after November is finished.

In this case, though, I had a bullet-pointed list to follow. I have already deviated a couple of times when I double checked it a few days ago. It happened again today, but there’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, it helped me get back on track, so there we go.

Today, I also asked the NaNo coach for some advice. With my chronic pain, it’s getting infuriating ending up losing a large proportion of my day when I could be writing. I was given some great advice. It won’t cure my pain by any stretch of the imagination, but it might help me feel better about my productivity.

(Today’s post has been written on my tablet. Tomorrow, I will add my totals for the day, when I am back on my laptop.)

Current Novel Total Word Count: 55,048
Today’s Word Count: 3,108
NaNoWriMo Total Word Count: 14,156

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Filed under NaNovember, Novel, Original Writing, Real Life and Writing

NaNovember: Day 3: Let Me Take You On A Strange Journey…

(How strange?) Very strange. Okay, I think that’s enough quoting of The Rocky Horror Show for now. But hey, who doesn’t like impromptu musical interludes? Or random dance breaks? This is the kind of spontaneity that makes the world go around. All joking aside, only three days in, and I can already tell that those words are so true to the NaNoWriMo experience.

The time scale doesn’t matter, because I already know it’s a strange journey. There’s the literary aspect, of course. There’s the investigation of new characters, new worlds. There’s the delight – and horror – at their discoveries. Your own characters can suddenly turn around, stab you in the back and betray you. Equally, they can make your heart melt, make you want to sing their praises and shout from the rooftops. Sometimes, they make you want to punch the air in delight, others make you want to shoot them. On top of that, you get to create a whole new landscape, a whole new world, where you can decide the rules (so long as you don’t contradict yourself, of course.) How can that not be a strange – and wonderful – journey?

Then, there’s the more personal aspect of it: the people. I joined because Fiona said it would be a good idea for me. She said it might actually get me to finally completing my novel. I thought her logic was sound and that I had nothing to lose. (Yes, it’s my first year and I’m a rebel, hence the totals at the bottom of each post. But, I’ve already written plenty of ‘novel length’ fiction in short time scales, so it really isn’t all that new to me either.) So far, so good. So far, she’s proving me right. She joined in to be my cheerleader, so that I wouldn’t have to do it on my own. And yet, she’s completely exceeding her own expectations and writing the most she has for years. I am so proud of her. But, there isn’t just existing friendships being formed. I’m getting to meet new and interesting people, both online and possibly in the flesh (in all honesty, it depends if I can make it to a Write-In session). We’re bonded by the selfsame passion: a joy of writing. It’s almost magical.

On top of that, there’s the self-discoveries. The inner callings, the inner conflict (hah!), the inner questions. The ‘can I do this?’, the ‘how do I do this?’, the ‘can I really make it as an author?’, the ‘is this really what I want to do for the rest of my life?’ and so on. Then there’s the inner solutions to the same problems and questions, like my discovery of how to start writing in the morning before my head becomes a pounding mess which feels like it’s trapped in a vice whilst my eyeballs are on the verge of exploding. (I think another one of my personal questions might be ‘how many different and grotesque ways can I describe the process of a migraine?) It’s a lesson and it’s a journey. And that’s what makes it special.

As for today’s progress? My thunderstorm-in-my-head (there’s another one) started earlier than usual, at 1pm, robbing me of more conscious time than usual. However, I decided I had to dig my heels in because I really wanted to reach at least 3,000 words again today. From 2,500 onwards, it has been especially tough because it does really feel that there’s hot needles poking in my eyes (I’m on a roll, clearly). But, I have made it. It’s another little mountain I’ve been able to climb. Not only is there the big 50k total that I’m determined to make, but I also give myself little, more bitesize, targets to meet. I hate missing targets, so it makes a lot of sense.

Will I write any more today? I don’t know, maybe? But, probably not. If I do, of course, I will edit my totals accordingly.

Regardless, tomorrow might end up being a more difficult day than usual. I’m off to have my brain scanned again to see what makes it quite so special. Or maybe not. Last time I had an MRI done, there wasn’t any difference at all.

Current Novel Total Word Count: 50,075
Today’s Word Count: 3,101
NaNoWriMo Total Word Count: 9,183


Filed under Meta and DIscussions, NaNovember, Novel, Original Writing, Real Life and Writing

Happy All Nano’s Eve!

So, it’s the day before NaNoWriMo. My head is doing its typical thumping-at-the-temples routine, I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and another MRI scan on Monday. But, I’m still ridiculously excited about participating in NaNoWriMo. I’m hoping that it will mean I will finish my first draft of my novel next month. I’m hoping that means I will very soon be able to move onto the editing phase of writing a book. I’m hoping (and praying and wishing and crossing my fingers and toes) that The Project will be on bookshelves (and available on e-readers) within the next two years.

I’m hoping NaNoWriMo will change my life. After my rut, is that really too much to ask?

Naturally, I’ll be blogging my progress throughout the month.

Regardless, I will be spending today reading through my bullet-pointed plot. I will be honing the last few character biographies which are essential to this book. I will be doing housework, as per usual. And when kids (and teenagers who don’t even bother to dress up these days) knock on my door, trick-or-treating, I will happily wish them a very Happy All Nano’s Eve.

Then, tomorrow, the real writing will begin. I can’t wait. I really, really can’t.

How are you spending All NaNo’s Eve?

(Also, for those who really celebrate… Happy Hallowe’en, Happy All Hallow’s Eve, Blessed Samhain. But, personally, I’ll just be celebrating All Nano’s Eve.)

Current Novel Total Word Count: 40,892
Today’s Word Count: 0
NaNoWriMo Total Word Count: 0 – bring on tomorrow!


Filed under General, Novel, Plotting 101, Real Life and Writing

No More Excuses!

NaNoWriMo. It’s a phrase, a word I have known about for many years. For those who don’t know, it stands for National Novel Writing Month (though arguably, it should really be InNoWriMo – International Novel Writing Month!) It is something that I have seriously considered participating in for the past couple of years. I haven’t, of course, because fear kept me out of it. This year is different. This year, I actually have something to write about for NaNoWriMo. I have a novel to actually write.

You might well be thinking, wait, what? Shouldn’t that have been written by now? And I really couldn’t blame you if you did. But, my health issues have stopped me to a certain extent, but I may have also been using it as somewhat of an excuse. I have a very crowded mind and certain things do get pushed to the side.

So, NaNoWriMo provides me with the ideal kick to actually get some serious writing done. And who knows? Maybe this time next year I will be able to say ‘hey, go buy my novel please!’

Well, we’ll see. Of course, I’ll keep updating my progress on here. It’s what it’s here for, after all!

NaNoWriMo records


Filed under Novel, Original Writing, Products that assist writing, Real Life and Writing


It’s been a very long while since I posted a blog post! And for good reason, too. I am writing a novel, of course! Okay, so it is all very rough and the like, but it is still being written, so I think I can be forgiven for that. I know I had been updating every time I finished a chapter, but somehow, that fell by the wayside. So here it is, at 21,539 words, I have now completed up to chapter five! Of course, this may not end up being chapter five in the end – I am probably leaning towards eventually splitting chapters in half, but it is what it is at the moment.

As I am in a good mood – about writing at least, the less said about everything else the better – I thought I might open up to questions from the field a little bit. If there’s anything you are absolutely itching to know about my novel, just ask in the comments section. Depending on how many questions I’m asked, I might make my next blog post a ‘Q+A’ post. And also – I retain the right to refuse to answer, of course!

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Filed under Meta and DIscussions, Novel, Original Writing, Real Life and Writing

The Curse of Insomnia

why can't I sleep?

why can’t I sleep?


It is now exactly 3am. Whilst I am not completely wide awake, I am still sufficiently awake to think and operate. Utter exhaustion and a need to sleep has not hit yet. This is the kind of tiredness I’d ordinarily feel at least four hours ago. Instead, I am cursed with it now.

In some ways, it is a blessing. I have been able to write a near-complete character biography for my protagonist. I have been having very intriguing thoughts about my novel as a whole lately and it is making me very excited to write the whole thing. However, I am too tired to feel capable of doing any fiction writing. It never flows well when I am this tired and it is frustrating. That means I have been writing this biography, painstakingly working out the back story of one character for at least 2 hours. And now, I am too tired to even do that.

The curse side? I don’t actually know just how much sleep I will be able to obtain overnight. I’m still showing no signs of needing to sign off the internet. When I do, I’ll inevitably read a couple of chapters of my current book (Gone by Michael Grant, for anyone who is interested) and then hit the hay. But when I wake up? I’ll probably feel exhausted and irritable. That will lead to a bad headache and potentially a migraine. All of which makes writing fiction difficult.

I hope that I will stop feeling like this at night soon. The doctor insisted it was just a side effect of upping the dose of one of my medications. However, I definitely don’t seem to be showing any signs of getting used to it yet.

And yes, this post is essentially just a whine about a lack of sleep and a want to write but struggling to find the mindset to focus. Oh well.

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