Tag Archives: Thought

On Robin Williams and Depression

TW: Suicide

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Filed under Advice, traciewrites vs depression

New Year, New Ideas

Beyond the completion of the first draft of my debut novel (finally!), 2013 has not been a good year for me. I’m honestly not sad to see it go and I welcome 2014 with open and hopeful arms.

I’ve promised myself that this year, I will write and edit daily (unless, of course, I do not have access to my laptop). I haven’t got very far into yet, but I’m looking forward to seeing what journey the sequel takes me on.

But, my first novel isn’t the only idea I have percolating in this crazy brain of mine. Last night, I had a dream. An epic dream. The kind of dream which most people would call a nightmare. The kind of dream where I wake up and think ‘damn, that would make an amazing novel.’ I’ve had an idea for a while, or at least, two characters. I knew and understood their relationship and the most basic parts of the premise. However, I was missing a huge chunk of the plot.

Last night, I dreamed pretty much exactly what it needs to be.

Is this a sign that I finally have a good year to come? I sure hope so. I can’t honestly remember when my last ‘good year’ actually was.

Of course, I’m super busy writing Other Things, so I’m going to have to write it down in notational form. However, the novel I just wrote was in development for two years after the initial dream, so I’m not to worried about forgetting the gist of it. I just need to write like a trouper in order to get the time to actually write this new idea entirely.

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Filed under Novel, Real Life and Writing